Egg Inflation

Inflation calculator - Egg Inflation Calculation

This page is dedicate to those who do remember what the price of goods were some years back and knowing todays price, they can generate the general rate of inflation and project this figure several years into the future. Welcome to our inflation calculator or rather our egg inflation calculator.

Inflation calculator

The fields below are preset with initial values so that it would be easier for you to understand what to fill in. Fill in the appropriate fields and hit the calculate button to get the results.

Calculation of inflation and projections of inflationary trends based upon historical data.

Many years ago in
in the year : the price was:

in the year : the price is:

Which is a time span of : years

Project the price trend until the year :

Which is a projection for another : years

Do calculation from current year

Do calculation from yesteryear

The calculated rate of inflation is: %

Projecting how prices will move in the future based upon current inflationary trends. You can enter your house price or price of eggs or anything you are interested in.

in the year : the price is:

And based upon an inflation rate of : %

Project the price trend until the year :

Which is a projection for another : years

Copyright © Dr.Peter Achutha, 2010, Malaysia. All Rights Reserved