In my last article, I explained that "the hot gasses from the cigarette were of sufficient high temperature to kill off any corona viruses in the throat". Having thought about it since then, wouldn't it be more effective to have warmer oxygen fed through the ventilators to kill off the coronavirus and speed up recovery of the patients?
Consuming raw garlic vapours
Furthermore, I have been consuming raw garlic for many years. Sometimes I do it a few times a year and sometimes I do it two to three times a week. As an ex-chain smoker I realized that vapours in the mouth can get into the blood stream through the lungs. This is a very fast way of ingesting medication or any drugs as we know from the number of smokers around.
How to consume raw garlic vapours
What I used to do for the past 10 to 15 years is to place slices of half a clove or a clove of raw garlic in a sandwich for breakfast. As I chewed each mouthful of the sandwich I would slowly breathe in through the mouth. This slow breathing was to prevent any food getting into my lungs and to allow the vapours from the crushed garlic to enter the blood stream through the lungs. If those who have never tried raw garlic please try it with half a clove. If you are more adapted to eating raw garlic please do stick to one clove. This is because raw garlic is very heaty and if one takes two or more cloves at a time your body will get very heaty. The worst thing about taking too much raw garlic is that after a few very heaty days one will come down with a bad cold. I do not know why and one other friend had a similar experience.
This means that the ventilators can be used to supply medication in the form of aerosol or fine vapours or atomized directly into the blood stream through the lungs.
The whole world is running after a 'cure' for healthy people with the idea of an unqualified vaccine would come to save them when nothing has been proven.
The vaccine is a Big Pharma money game and is not intended to cure the sick. It is there to make money off the healthy. The idea of a vaccine is to make billions of dollars from healthy people for Big Pharma. There are 7,000,000,000 people on earth and at US$10 per person Big Pharma stands to gain US$70,000,000,000/-. Only 197,000 people, in the world, have died of Covid-19 and there are about 2,790,000 people infected with the corona virus to date. This means that Big Pharma stands to gain only US$27,900,000 for a cure for people suffering from Covid-19. This is a money game that the Big Pharma companies are playing. They are not interested in finding a cure for the sick.
Worst is Big Pharma and the vaccine lobby will not pay the salaries of the 26.4 million people in the USA who have lost their jobs and then they will tell them to hold on for the next 5 years for a vaccine to be developed. SARS occurred in 2002 that is 18 years ago and to date no one in the whole world has developed a vaccine for SARS. Do you think they will be able to develop a vaccine for Covid-19?
Hey, as of February 2021, China claims that they have developed a cure for covid 19. Now who needs vaccines? We are all free to move around and travell overseas as anyone catching covid 19 can be cured.
Dr. Enig
By the way Dr. Enig of USA has been promoting virgin coconut oil (VCO) as a cure for many viruses including the common cold, influenza and, I forget the name now, mumps (?). (Dr. Mercola has been promoting Virgn Coconut Oil too.) I have told people to try virgin coconut oil and they have been cured after taking VCO.
Indonesians who have been cured of Covid-19
Dr. Enig explained that virgin coconut oil is effective against any virus that has a lipid cell wall. John Hopkins University has confirmed that the coronavirus has a lipid cell wall. Indonesia has reported that 3 people have been cured of covid-19 after taking 150 ml of virgin coconut oil within one day. I am trying to get them to make a video about themselves but that is difficult now because of the lockdown and the Muslim fasting month has begun.
Medical staff are dying because there is no cure for the coronavirus
The Indonesian cases are amazing when you consider that in Britain doctors and nurses are dying because of covid-19. When all the doctors and nurses are dead who is going to care of the sick? Big Pharma will then tell you "Wait, wait, wait, we are coming out with a cure any day now" and years later they will still be telling you the same story so that you will not search for a cure on your own. If you do come out with a cure they will bury it under mountains of paper work and even bring out laws to block you. That is what they have done in Norway. The Norwegian law now makes it compulsory for every Norwegian to be vaccinated for the coronavirus. Who is going to pay for the vaccination? The government or the people?
Will vaccines protect you from future mutations?
Worst still there are now 3 mutation of the corona virus. Why isn't anyone developing a cure for covid-19. After 18 years they failed to develop a vaccine for SARS so do you think they will develop a vaccine within 2 years? Would the vaccines work on all three and any other future mutations? Is it because there is no money in developing a cure? I think they are thinking that it is not their problem and let someone else take the responsibility to find a cure.
Many scientific papers confirm that the coronavirus can be destroyed by coconut oil
Please check
1.Ateneo de Manila University Quote "Conclusion: Several in vitro, animal, and human studies support the potential of coconut oil, lauric acid and its derivatives as effective and safe agents against a virus like nCoV-2019. Mechanistic studies on other viruses show that at least three mechanisms may be operating."
2. Ghana Medical Journal. Quote "DebMandal and Mandal10 further report, that coconut oil is very effective against a variety of lipid-coated viruses such as visna virus, CMV, Epstein-Barr virus, influenza virus, leukemia virus, pneumo virus and hepatitis C virus. The MCFA in coconut oil primarily destroys these organisms by disrupting their membranes, thus interfering with virus assembly and maturation. Control of infections is crucial on the health agenda of many developing countries in West Africa, and the use of coconut oil could serve as a cheaper alternative means of controlling infections."
We have to find our own cures because Big Pharma will not help us.
Here is the video on coconut oil:-
Let me tell you that YouTube has blocked the video on coconut oil above.
For children the amount consumed probably be much lower. I have not tested it out but a good guess would be a fration of an adult body weight. For if your child is 20kg (44lbs) and your weight is 60kg (132lbs) then the amount the child could take is 20/60*15ml. 15ml (millilitres) is about 1 tablespoon. So 20/60*15 = 5ml. 5 ml is just over a teaspoon.
What do you do?
So what do you do when you have caught Covid-19? Do you wait for the next 2 years of a real effective vaccine to be developed? . . . Oops vaccines cannot cure you of Covid-19.
- Dr. Peter Achutha, 25 April 2020
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