President Trump is the China Virus actually an American Virus?
I received this WhatsApp message a few weeks ago and as I pondered upon the implications it dawned on me that it could be true that Covid-19 was deployed by the American mega corporations.
The WhatsApp article
*The Final Jigsaw in the Puzzle*
Wuhan's Chinese biological workshop where it was confirmed as the source of the virus that causes Covid-19 has a substantial shareholding of *Glaxosmith*, which by coincidence owns *Pfizer*, which by coincidence manages *Blackrock's* finances, which by coincidence manages the finances of the *Open Foundation Society (Soros)*, which by coincidence is the interests of *French AXA*, which by coincidence is the German company *Winterthur* that built the Chinese workshop, which was accidentally purchased by German *Allianz*, which is coincidentally widely held by *Vanguard*, who coincidentally owns a large proportion of *Blackrock*, who coincidentally has shareholding in all *major banks*, and together with *Vanguard* manages *USD14 Trillion* investment capital, which by coincidence is a large shareholder in *Microsoft and Gates*, which by coincidence is a shareholder of *Pfizer* and currently a major contributor to *WHO*.
I hope it's clear now why a bat came in and grabbed the snake and infected the rest of the world. That's *Smart Money*.
I remember that back in 25th August 2018 I read a Yahoo article claiming that coconut oil was a poison. See my article on coconut oil claim.
powerful American mega corporations behind the covid-19 pandemic
Firstly, it appears to me that powerful people behind the scenes had orchestrated the promotion of coconut oil as a poison so that no one would take coconut oil. I believe they knew that coconut oil would kill off the coronavirus and wanted it to be banned from use in the West and many other countries.
Secondly, all free speech and discussion of a cure for the coronavirus was blocked and censored. Both Google and YouTube blocked all discussions of a cure for Covid-19. Then we realized that the mainstream media was promoting the idea that there was no cure for the coronavirus. Even university discoveries for a cure for the covid-19 were suppressed - check out the cure by an Australian professor as mentioned in my article on Australian professor cure for covid 19
Was this an American virus to bloat the coffers of American corporations that caused untold damage to the world economy?
- Dr. Peter Achutha, 23rd December 2020
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