Wake up Israel, wake up. Do not depend on man for he has no authority or power, depend on the Lord God. Man cannot save Israel, only the Lord God can.
A dangerous world
3 times in my life, when I was a kid, the angle of the Lord took me around the world and showed me all the nations that will be destroyed. It will be cataclysmic for these nations but I do not know when this will happen. It will probably be worse than what the climate change scientist are estimating. Will this cataclysm occur in my life time or after I have gone? I do not know and I have kept this a secret until today. Now looking back, I think that the Lord God is right as many on Earth lie, cheat, steal, rape, murder and carry out evil deeds as if it is the gift of God. Serves them right. Please humble yourselves before the Lord God and worship Him.
The origins of the European Christians
Many years ago I wrote an article on the meaning and pronunciation of YHWH at http://bachutha.com/meaning-and-pronunciation-of-yhwh-the-name-of-god/. Even though I explained that YHWH was pronounced as 'Your Way' and Jesus Christ's name, Yeshua as Son of God, was pronounced as 'Yes Sure Your Way', it was only recently that I found the connection between English and the pronunciation of YHWH, written in Hebrew.
The narrator, Rod King, explains how, between the 2nd century BCE and the 3rd century AD, the Israelites with the Assyrians migrated up into Europe. The Israelites became the Angles, Saxons & Jutes that later were the origins of English. The Assyrians became the Germans.
The Lord God's Judgement and the Shemitah
Many of people think that the Lord God does not pass judgement anymore. I tell you this, I have seen His judgement in Malaysia which is a Muslim majority country. He has taken down people and their children who thought that they were super-powerful. More judgement is coming and no one escapes the Lord God's judgement.
Even today I tell you that there is a lot of wrong teaching among the Christians and the Muslims in Malaysia. Worst still some Christian pastors are teaching that you do not need to follow the Old Testaments anymore. I objected to this and told them that the 10 commandments is given by the Lord God in the Old Testament. I told them that the 10 Commandments says that we are to believe in the Lord God, we are not allowed to worship other gods, we are not to lie or cheat others, we are not allowed to covet our neighbor's wife or their property. When I finished stating this they became very angry with me and I had to leave that church too.
I tell you today that the Old Testament is the Word of God and is the first covenant with us. It will hold true until the end of time. No one can say it is not applicable anymore. We have to obey the 10 commandments.
The Malaysian churches are teaching that your sins can be forgiven. They consider murder, rape, theft, lying, cheating, swindling, adultery . as sin. Please be careful because the Lord God makes a distinction between sin and evil. Sin can be forgiven but not evil. Evil is subject to judgement. In fact in 1 Samuel the Lord God carries out judgement on the evil some of the priest did.
Even today the Lord God carries out judgement on evil people. Mostly this is done in the year of the Shemitah. Please read Jonathan Cahn's book, The Mystery of the Shemitah, ISBN 978-1-62998-193-2, as he has explained this topic very well and I will do an injustice if I tried to explain the Shemitah to you.
Will the destruction of nations occur in the year of the Shemitah?
The Anti-Christ (Satan)
When I was 5 years old the Ancient of Days gave me a prophesy and I kept this prophesy a secret as I did not understand it until a few years go. In 1963, I was told that the Anti-Christ was born in Egypt. For many years I did not understand this prophesy until a few years ago. This prophesy meant that the Spirit of the Anti-Chirst (Satan) had entered the world through Egypt and has spread his influence around the world. We are seeing a lot of demonic activity occurring around the world today.
Wake up Israel Wake up
Wake up Israel, wake up. Do not depend on man for he has no authority or power, depend on the Lord God. Man cannot save Israel only the Lord God can. The time has come for your people to worship at the Temple Mount.
Johnathan Cahn explains in his book that the Israelites spent 70 years of captivity in Babylon because they had not observed the Sabbath year, 70 times. The Shemitha year is explain in the Old Testament. In my simple explanation, on the seventh year they are not work the land and to let it rest and to allow the poor to reap its fruits. Everyone who owed a debt was released. Every creditor had to release the debt owed. There is a lot more explanation but I will not go into it. Johnathan Cahn goes on to explain the timing of stock market crashes correlate to the Shemitah years.
Remember I mentioned that the Old Testament holds true to the end of time. The Shemitah years is a testament to this.
The Lord God had asked the Israelites to worship at the Temple Mount 3 times a year and Satan had schemed to block the Israelites from worshipping the Lord God there. Unfortunately, due to the Muslim occupation of Jerusalem over the last 1400 years, they could not do this. It is time they began worshiping the Lord God at the Temple Mount. 1400 years of worship would amount to 4200 times. If the Israelis worship at the Temple Mount everyday then they would make up for the last 1400 years of worship in 11.5 years.
Wake up Israel. Wake up before it is too late. Worship the Lord God and He will remove that thorn in your midst.
I believe a war is coming. The Bible says it will be a war that destroys Israel but I think it will not be Israel that is destroyed but the parts of Israel claimed by the Palestinians. This is because the early historians did not have a word for Palestine as it is a modern terminology. I think it is a war that will destroy the Palestinian occupation of Israel, Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem. A cleansing by the Lord God of His territories. The Palestinians are illegally occupying the land of the Lord God's chosen people. If they, the Palestinians, keep claiming Israeli territory, their lands will become like Aleppo today, bombed, abandoned, desolated and most probably a waste land that cannot be rebuilt.
-Dr. Peter Achutha, 2nd June 2017
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